Changing the world and making history

The path to doing so differs for everyone, and I'm exploring mine while
taking photos, watching sunsets and learning all I can along the way.

  • Lorem
  • Ipsum
  • Dolor

The whole > sum of the parts

There is just so much to delve into and experience out there that one lifetime will surely not be enough.
So far, I've come to know a few things that really draw me in and have become part of who I am.

  • Cars

    I've always loved cars and everything they represent. Personal transportation and its infrustructure shape our society; Have you ever noticed how we often perceive development as paved roads?

  • Alternative Energy

    I absolutely adore Elon Musk and Tesla electric cars. These days, I'm conducting research and working on publishing a paper about the proliferation of renewable energies in high density regions.

  • Globalization

    We've come to only care about those that live within the artificial borders of our nation. I dream that one day, we will care the same way about the prosperity and progress of people all around the world.

  • Sightseeing

    It's one thing to read about a place, but to breathe the air and get a taste of life there is something else. All my travels have brought me fond memories and a deep appreciation for the world's beauty and culture.

  • Music

    Indie Rock and Classicals are my top two genres of music - think Hozier, Bastille, Kodaline, Hans Zimmer and Holst. The peace and ascention is truly unparalleled.

  • Podcasts

    The Verge produces a slew of podcasts that fuel my addiction to technology. I also very much enjoy Freakonomics and Malcolm Gladwell's Revisionist History .

  • Cameras

    There is just something so romantic about putting someone, something or some place in a frame and preserving that fleeting moment.

  • Hot chocolate

    I don't drink coffee but give me hot chocolate any time. I'd also never turn down a cup of Rooibos De Provence from Davids's Tea.

how do you see the world?

I want to hear all about it! We each have a unique take and perspective on morality, progress and the future. I could never get enough of the discussions that help us better understanding one another. It's the first step to leaving a meaningful mark on the world.